Looking back to look forward: 2021 reflections, 2022 goals

Karis Rogerson
5 min readDec 28, 2021

What a freaking year 2021 has been. What. A freaking. Year. This year brought hope — vaccinations and domestic (and some international) travel opening up, and a feeling in early summer that maybe we were out of the darkest days of Covid. I also started out the year with a promotion, moving into daytime hours for the first time in 2.5 years, and a managerial role.

And it’s ending in a dark period, with omicron raging and many people burrowing back into the safety of our own homes. I quit my job at the end of July and have been freelancing/job-hunting ever since. I went through ups and downs (and downs, and downs) with my mental health and in general have rushed through just about the entire gamut of human emotion.

Because I’m a sucker for an end-of-year post, I’m going to reflect on 2021 in three areas (travel, mental health, and community) and then set some goals for 2022.



I was lucky enough to go on a few trips this year. In June, I hopped on an airplane for the first time in over a year and went further West than ever before, landing in San Francisco for my college roommate’s wedding, then winding my way south and setting up camp for several days in Los Angeles.

A photo taken in Arizona



Karis Rogerson

Writer. Reader. American. Canadian. Pseudo-Italian. Auburn. Mentally ill. Head in a book.📍NYC 💜 Trieste